Get Involved
Our families enjoy a variety of activities throughout the year, including Dinner Out Tonight (a formal meal served by our youth), a Christmas Play, Easter Breakfast, Trunk or Treat at Halloween and lots of activities during the summer months to enjoy living in western Montana. We invite you to join us at Splash Montana, on a family friendly hike, and a variety of other exciting activities. We also collaborate with other churches for family events, allowing us to continue to make new friends and reach out to youth to meet their needs. For more information, contact Colter at colter@stpaulmissoula.org.
St. Paul Lutheran Church treasures its younger members. During our worship service children can go to the PrayGround, an activities space located at the very front of the sanctuary. Every service includes a Children’s Message, during which kids can interact. St. Paul youth can also participate in other parts of the service, with songs from our kids’ choir, as an acolyte, reading lessons, and serving communion.
There of lots of fun activities for children and youth throughout the year, and we depend on volunteers to help our youth director and other staff. Our GROW ministry for kids K through fifth grade and our middle and high school groups need adult volunteers. Our Children, Youth and Family committee meets monthly to discuss programming and events.
We would welcome your involvement!
Please contact Colter Murphy at colter@stpaulmissoula.org