Serving in Worship
Volunteers from every generation help create vibrant and dynamic worship services each Sunday, serving as greeters, ushers, acolytes, scripture readers, prayer leaders, communion servers, power pointers for our service slides, communion prep and cleanup, and coffee hour hosts and treat providers.
Children and Youth Activity Volunteers
There of lots of fun activities for children and youth throughout the year, and we depend on volunteers to help our youth director and other staff. Our GROW ministry for kids K through fifth grade and our middle and high school groups need adult volunteers. Our Children, Youth and Family committee meets monthly to discuss programming and events.
We would welcome your involvement! You can volunteer with the button below.
Please contact:
Colter colter@stpaul.missoula.org
Community Volunteer Opportunities
Many volunteer opportunities exist inside and outside the walls of the church. Our members partner with Thrivent Financial in service to our community. This congregation is invested in Habitat for Humanity and has many avenues through which volunteers can donate time, talents and treasures.
We support Family Promise in its efforts to house homeless families. The annual Gary Turbak Memorial Back to School Clothing Drive has made sure younger kids have good clothing for the start of school for more than 30 years! Stephen Ministry lay-led volunteers are trained individuals who provide confidential care and support for hurting individuals. Interested in any of these?
Contact volunteer coordinator volunteer@stpaulmissoula.org